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Presented by Word Travellers Language School is a guest-speaker series. A native speaker will tell their story en español. This will be followed by a question and answer session. This once a month event is suitable for all levels. There is an entry fee.
Vengan a practiquen su español! - Come practice Spanish!

Entrada > $20


Friday March, 25 7pm

Hans de San Jose, Costa Rica

On a snowy day at Purgatory I rode the lift with Hans. Immediately we became buen amigos. We invited him to kick-off the "Voces del Mundo" series. He will share his unique story of life as a travelling Costa-riqueño and explain why people from his country are called Ticos!


Entry/Entrada = $20


Cinco de Mayo, 2022



Señor Balam de America

Mayans of Central America speak of Balam as a God of agriculture, describing him as an old fellow with a long head. He has journeyed extensively throughout his homeland of Mexico. Come join us and listen to him share stories of the Magic of rural Mejico!


Entry / Entrada = $20




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