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Chivos El Chupacabra
'Chivero' means goatherder. He was found on a beach near Loreto, Mexico in 2017. According to the local ranchero señor Benjamin, he was afraid of goats and would hide from the other vicious beach dogs. He was surviving on clam shells and starfish. He was a skeleton when we met him. Señor Benjamin said "he would have a much better life 'al norte' - up north." This lucky pup won the lottery when he jumped in for the long ride north and a whole new life. His favorite hobbies include howling, camping, mountain climbing and rabbit chasing. He is the official CEO of Español Ahora. Here CEO stands for; Chupacabra Excelente Ordenado. Being the school mascot he will greet all students at the start of each class.

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